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Allow our app to meet the needs of pet travel and streamline services

Basset Hound Check-Up
Vaccine Passport

Why should veterinarians use PadsPass

Since the pandemic, there has been a rise in pets needing veterinarian care. In the US alone, 23 million families adopted a new pet during the first year of the pandemic and  veterinarians have directly felt this impact of the pandemic pet surge. Our founder has felt the impact of this when trying to book an appointment in a visiting destination and being told flat out they were not willing to take on any new animals. This presents a logistical challenge when it comes to pet travel because the animal needing an appointment is not intending to be a full-time client but rather a one-off appointment.


Rightfully, many veterinarians will not take on the added responsibility of completing travel paperwork for an animal who's medical history they have not completed or previously verified, and complying with unfamiliar or just complicated country regulations. We know vets have an overwhelming amount of animals that are in need of more urgent care.

PadsPass aims to allow humans to keep their travel medical history in one place, accessible to veterinarians in travel destinations using a secured platform. A Veterinary practice can keep its own management system as PadsPass is independent and will be an integration. Using PadsPass, veterinarians no longer have to worry they will miss any important import or export detail, or struggle with time zone differences.


PadsPass aims to keep Veterinarians performing travel health examinations up to date on government travel policies. It will also ensure all government requirements are met by all humans involved at both the origin and the destination for every trip, without the risk of human error. Veterinarians can get back to focusing on their practice, and helping humans travel with their furry loved ones.

How veterinary practices can get started with PadsPass 

Interested in adopting PadsPass, advertising with us, and/or contributing important animal health information to the platform creation? 

Reach out to us here for more information on what opportunities are available for your veterinary practice or company. We'd love to hear from you. 

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